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Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Plant deck´s extra deck (post SHSP).


After testing plants, i realized that Tidal and a Plant Water monster are needed. Unfortunately, this will turn the deck into a Dragon Ruler deck with some plants in. I added them anyways, and proceeded to test it again. The deck was smoother, it has resources every turn to make a synchro summon and still summon a big dragon.

At first, i added Lord Poison, but soon i became aware that i don´t need another monster that makes more or less the same as Melia or Redox; so following the tutoring idea, i added Bonatical Girl instead. Of course it is still opponent dependant, but its effect is much more useful than Poison´s one (Dandy + Redox is nice to perform). Then, I cut some traps, because I found them unnecessary in too much situations, to add a playset of Sacred Swords to make the deck faster and keep on the pace with regular Dragon Ruler decks. Last but not least, i considered a playset of Royal Decree, specially if your local´s zone is full of anti meta decks; even against Dragon Ruler, Decree is a powerful card, so i switched RFtDD and Raigeki Break/PWWB for the whole playset.

So, after those changes being applied, the decklist ended this way: (SCROLL DOWN TO SEE FULL DECKLIST)

After shaping the main deck to fit your tastes, the next step is going through the extra deck. Being sort of a Dragon Ruler deck, we must include some lvl 8 synchro monsters; after that, we have to take Debris Dragon into consideration, so we will add some lvl 7, 1 lvl 6, and 1 lvl 11. Then, Crane Crane leads us to the step of adding some rank 3 monsters. But, what about Scapegoat? Should we add Formula Synchron, Mist Bird Clausolas, and Armory Arm? Well, in certain occasions, all of then are useful; the problem is that this kind of deck can perform a one-turn-Shooting Star Dragon, so we should add 1 Stardust Dragon and the previously mentioned monster.

An extra deck example (ignoring extra deck space):

1 Shooting Star Dragon*
1 Stardust Dragon*
1 Star Eater
1 Crimson Blader
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Orient Dragon/Iron Chain Dragon
1 Armory Arm
1 Mist Bird Clausolas
1 Formula Synchron
1 Leviair
2 Melia

That is 17 monsters, so we have to take 2 of them out. The only and wise change is to take Stadrust Dragon and Shooting Star Dragon out, despite Scapegoat and the one-turn-Shooting Star Dragon argument; a single Stardust can be rammed by simply a stronger monster, and if we take it out, Shooting follows it out of the extra deck.

So the ultimate decklist will be:

Monsters (24)
3 Redox
3 Blaster
3 Tempest
3 Tidal
1 Botanical Girl
1 Dandy
2 Crane
1 Lonefire
1 Tytannial
2 Debris Dragon
1 Spore
2 MaxxC
1 Neo-spacian Grand Mole

Spells (13)
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 Book of Moon
1 Gold Sarcophagus
3 Sacred Swords of Seven Stars
2 Enemy Controler
1 Scapegoat

Traps (3)
1 Return From the Different Dimension
2 Raigeki Break/PWWB
3 Royal Decree

Extra Deck (15)
1 Star Eater
1 Crimson Blader
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Orient Dragon/Iron Chain Dragon
1 Armory Arm
1 Mist Bird Clausolas
1 Formula Synchron
1 Leviair
2 Melia

Well, that is all for today. Next time i will be discussing Ghostricks.


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